
Infinity learn is an edtech platform and Infinity doubts is one such product of infinity learn which focuses on resolving doubts 24x7 of students who are preparing for various exams.



Product Designer

UX Designer


Product Revamp

Product Presentation



Information Technology


Sept 2021 - June2022


  • A lot of new users are not able to use the app in the right way which led to drop offs and low activation.

  • A state of ambiguity regarding the status of doubt posted among users when a question is posted.

  • Users are not able to clear their doubt in one go.

Key Features

  • Introducing a walkthrough: As we figured from our research that a lot of users did not have the actual idea how app will help them solve doubts, so we came up to add a simple walkthrough which most of our competitors already have.

  • Introducing tutorial example: We added Simple animated tutorials that contain help or tip screens that provide instructions for how to use an interface for the new users or any users who is using the app after a long time.

  • Introducing Live chat: One of the major problem faced by users was when they get a solution and find it to be incomplete or wrong, to oversome this we came up with the live chat as a feature where if the student gets the wrong solution they can clear the doubt to the teacher.

  • Redesigning the my question tab: There was a state of ambiguity in previous my question screen for the users to know in knowing the progress of the doubt posted, to solve for this a progress bar is introduced to show the status and overall UI was also changed.


  • Fill the gaps in the user flow to make user achieve their goal without taking the cognitive load.

  • Removal of ambiguity when doubt is asked.

  • Make the user have option to ask more clarity on solution if they are satisfiedd with the first solution.

  • Allow them to go through previously asked important questions in a less cumbersome manner.

  • Making the UI more consistent all throughout the user flow.

  • To Reduce the customer acquisition cost.

  • To increase the activation and conversions.


  • Redesigned existing UI to better adapt Android devices. Daily active users increased to 5k and monthly active users increased to 45k.

  • Activation rate increased to 2x.

  • Conversion percentage increased 2x to 5%.

  • Style Guides are important when designing or redesigning the product which i realised later, updating the already existing design system helped in changes the components easily.